




Elevate your next event

Grazing Tables

Grazing tables, suitable for gatherings of 8 people or more, are set up at your residence or event venue. They feature an assortment of meats, cheeses, nuts, jams, olives, florals, and other complementary items.

Additional a la carte options are available.

See Full Menu

Host a fun night in!

Tasting & Workshops

Enhance your dinner gathering by immersing in a distinctive cheese and charcuterie tasting adventure. Delight in cheeses sourced from France, Italy, and Spain either in a guided session or with accompanying cards alongside your charcuterie presentation.

Minimum of 5 guests per class


for the brides

Weddings + Bridal Events

Wedding day brunch boards are the perfect option for your getting ready suite. Choose from options such as mimosa set-up, pastry selection, and other brunch specialties.

Popular Bridal Events: Showers, Bachelorette Parties, Engagement Parties, and Wedding Spreads.


Get in touch!